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The reason for having a vacation to vulcano Krakatoa

The Sunda Strait is a strait that separates the islands of Java and Sumatra, this is where there is a mountain that had erupted so violently that its clouds covered almost half of the Earth. Mount Krakatau is a mountain located in the middle of the strait, behind its powerful eruption, it has a myriad of tourist destinations offered by travelers.

Anak Krakatau Mountain is one of the famous tourist objects in Indonesia. Even though its status is often declared alert, this tourist attraction is still frequently visited by local and foreign tourists.

The various kinds of beauty and mystery in it make Mount Krakatau make some travelers interested in visiting and exploring this area. A traveler can do several tourist activities by climbing through a route with a winding road full of challenges.

The barren, sandy and gravely land makes a traveler have to be careful when climbing it, it is advisable to climb Mount Krakatau, you have to wear mountain shoes or mountain sandals. The scorching sunshine when the weather is so hot, but it will not melt the spirit of the traveler to see beautiful landscapes including the Enchantment of the Crater with a large size surrounded by mountains is a special attraction at the top of Anak Krakatau Mountain.

A traveler can also find some flora and fauna here even though the conditions are mostly barren land. The beauty of the sea on the slopes of a blue stretch at the foot of the Anak Krakatau Mountain is equally beautiful. A traveler can also do activities such as snorkeling and fishing in the sea of ​​Mount Krakatau. The underwater beauty of Krakatau is not inferior to other Indonesian underwater charms, especially in the Lagon Cabe area, a traveler can enjoy beautiful fish and well-preserved coral reefs.

Enjoying the sun when it sinks at dusk on the horizon of the Indian Ocean is an interesting treat for a traveler when he is here. It is a loss if a traveler cannot enjoy the beauty of Krakatoa.

Because the location of this child of Mount Krakatau is in the middle of the Sunda Strait, a strait that separates Sumatra and Java Islands. To get here a traveler requires several trips. If from Merak Harbor. A traveler can travel to the Anak Krakatau Mountain which takes a long time, which is around 8-9 hours. From Merak Port, crossing the Sunda Strait to Lampung, followed by a road trip to Canti Port, after arriving at Canti Port then crossing again using a traditional ship to go to the islands around Anak Krakatau Mountain. Usually, what is often visited is Sebesi Island, which has several adequate facilities, such as inns, food stalls and other public facilities.

Scientists may circle this area as the location of the 'Big Bang'. However, the number of tourists who come to Anak Krakatau has never subsided. Why? There are three answers.


Mount Anak Krakatau is an active volcano, but that doesn't mean it can't be climbed. With the guidance of a guide, tourists can climb to the body of the mountain, along a safe hiking trail, then enjoy the panoramic view from the top of the mountain. The view of Mount Krakatau - the mother of Anak Krakatau, the surrounding islands, and the blue waters of the Sunda Strait. The main challenge during the hike is the sandy tracks.

Mount Anak Krakatau with an altitude of 230 above sea level is currently getting higher and wider from year to year. But don't worry, scientists keep updating the latest situation and read the status of the mountain via seismographs. They estimate it will take several more centuries for a major eruption to occur such as the eruption of Mount Krakatau in 1883.


The thing that is most attractive to local tourists and foreign tourists is to see the underwater beauty around the ancient caldera of Mount Krakatau. In this place, tourists can snorkel. The location is at the dive point around Panjang Island.


Mount Anak Krakatau can be accessed by sea from Anyer Beach or Carita Beach, West Java. Or via Lampung, for tourists traveling from Sumatra. The easiest way to get there is to join a boat trip from Anyer or Carita. The rate depends, the more people who join the group, the cheaper the price. The longer the tour duration, also determines the price. Tours generally include meals, boat rental, and a guide.

Not many tourists depart via Lampung, but this route is also open to tourists. With the record, the duration of the sea trip to Krakatau is longer. Tours to Krakatau are managed by Krakatoa Nirvana Resort. The rate includes one boat charter, so the more group members, the more economical the trip. There is also fishing boat rental at Canti Harbor, but tourists need to bring their own life jacket. From Canti Harbor, several boats operate regularly to Sebesi Island, an alternative tour around Anak Krakatau. Either via Lampung or via Anyer and Carita, tourists can enjoy sea trips with attractive panoramas.