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traveled to see the natural wealth in the forest, hill garden bukit barisan of the south line

Enthusiasm to enjoy the series of Semaka Bay Festival activities on the third day can still be seen on the faces of each person in the team. Moreover, there were some faces who had just come and came the night before.

Visiting Taman Bukit Barisan Selatan (TNBBS) is our next tour schedule which is still in the 7th Semaka Bay Festival series. A series that in my opinion is very complete. There is a Natural tour, there are cultural events and traditional ceremonies and it is continued with a direct search to TNBBS.

Bukit Barisan Selatan National Park is a national park that is aimed at protecting the tropical rainforests of the island of Sumatra and its natural resources. Bukit Barisan Selatan - according to Wikipedia, was declared a Wildlife Reserve in 1935 and became a National Park in 1985. The area of ​​the park was originally 356,800 hectares. But currently the park area is calculated using GIS more or less; 324,000 Ha. Bukit Barisan Selatan National Park is located at the southwestern tip of Sumatra. 70 percent of the park belongs to the regional administration of West Lampung district and Tanggamus district (Lampung Province), while the rest of the area is included in the territory of the Kaur region - Bengkulu Province and also South Sumatra Province. Still according to data from Wikipedia, BBSNP which in addition to having several lowland forests is also rich in biodiversity and is home to the three types of large mammals that are most threatened in the world, namely the Sumatran Elephant, Sumatran Rhino and Sumatran Tiger where the population of the three is decreasing at this time. .

That afternoon, in the joy of wanting to see firsthand the richness of flora and fauna in the tropical forest of Bukit Barisan Selatan, my team and I drove by bus to Bukit Barisan Selatan Park. Before arriving at BBSNP, we were treated to a beautiful and natural panorama that spreads wide and captivates the eye. The green landscape of the trees with hills rising like a decoration between the villages that offer houses on stilts typical of the Lampung people in several parts. Seeing the activities of the villagers from the bus is a beauty in itself. In between the journey which then climbed through the famously steep incline of Sedayu, we were entertained by the gracefulness of the trees and the view that seemed to stretch from the top of the hill we were passing. You can also see the appearance of Semaka Bay and its enchanting view from the top of the hill where the bus continues until it splits the silence of the hill. Arriving at a point we enjoyed the panorama with a group photo.

Before entering the TNBBS area, the committee briefly reported to a TNBBS management office. Given that entering into the National Park area should not be arbitrary. There must be a permit so that it can be accompanied and in the hope that it does not damage the ecosystem in BBSNP.

Not long after, the bus we were riding in stopped at a gate made of rocks with a wide alley leading to the inside on the right side of the road. I personally used this route when I first traveled to Bengkulu and also the West Coast. And I just found out that it was from the stone gate that access was entered into a base camp that reads the captivity of Rhino Camp - Sumatran Rhino. Inside, my friends and I centered on a house on stilts that served as an office for forest activity supervisor. What makes us enthusiastic next is being able to see first hand the shape of the very famous Rafflesia Arnoldi Flower. Again, I was amazed by the existence of these Refflesia flowers. Not only that, not far from the two Rafflesia flowers that bloomed in marron red, there are also Rafflesia flowers in a spherical shape. The dark brown color is, of course, the forerunner of the Rafflesia flower which will blossom gracefully and amaze us all. No doubt we captured the moment. For me personally, this is the first time I have met Rafflesia, who I have only seen from the screen or from information on books and printed media. In fact, apart from the charming Raflesia, the atmosphere of the tropical rainforest around us also contains a charm that is no less interesting. Trees stand tall, strong, with lush green leaves refreshing the eyes and mind. Not to mention the cool air and humid aroma that is typical of Asian tropical rainforests so real in the taste. I had time to go down to the bottom of the ravine where there is a spring which is divided into three clear puddles.

As usual, feel free for me to try the clear and cold water by washing my face and drinking as much as I want. Heavenly. !!. After quite a long time working in the atmosphere of Rafflesia and the atmosphere of the beautiful forest. We also continued to explore the Bukit Barisan Selatan Park by seeing firsthand the next variety of flora.

Not far from the location where Rafflesia grew, we followed the asphalt road and then entered the forest with a path. With the guidance of the Conservation Center officers, we walked along the inside with a fairly moist soil. Several times I fell in a puddle of damp water that was not so visible to the eye. Okay, the fate of the fake mountain boy. Hahahah. Along the way to the expanse of growing Kantung Semar, the very alert guide also told a lot and explained the various plants we passed. Starting from the type of tree to the red roots which when cut, the water can be drunk if you are thirsty in the forest. For this, it seems like I got new knowledge from the forest expert. Shortly following a winding and humid route, several colleagues and I arrived at a grove of Kantung Semar plants. The officer who guided us also explained the uniqueness of Kantung Semar. The Semar bag in an open position can trap insects that enter it, because the water in the open Semar bag contains poison, likewise if humans drink water in an open Semar bag it will be poisoned. But for a closed Semar bag, the water in the bag is non-toxic and can be drunk because it contains medicinal properties. I and some colleagues were invited to try the water in the closed semar bag. The taste?, Tasteless like dew water.

The search to see the semar bag must be ended immediately because entering the semar pocket area must take turns with other colleagues. Given the narrow location, it is not possible if 30 people enter simultaneously. My friends and I who have finished immediately immortalize themselves along the path of Taman Bukit Barisan Selatan Selatan. Narcissists are indeed part of the hooray hooray team association.

Before ending the tour to TNBBS, we had the chance to go to the Fishery School and have lunch together there.

Truly a tour that is very maximum felt. As part of the invitation with several personal community and personal twitter account owners and bloggers, I feel this is a privilege that we can then voice out as an effort to become a real tourism ambassador. Likewise a campaign from the Indonesian Tourism Ambassador; Everyone is Tourism Ambassador - being a tourism ambassador with the task of disseminating information on interesting tourist attractions in the archipelago is not their job for those who take part in the selection of tourism ambassadors or sons and daughters who appear on the screen and are charming only on the stage of the show, but also a task all elements of society in Indonesia. Old, young, mothers, fathers, children and adolescents are obliged to be the front mouthpiece of voicing the beauty and natural wealth of Indonesia with a variety of noble arts and cultures as part of the legacy of the country's predecessors.

I personally see the Tanggamus Regency Government's efforts by involving social media accounts and bloggers as a good effort - even though some parties say that being a follower of the system implemented by the Krakatau Festival, it doesn't matter. Following something good will undoubtedly be good. Many bad things are followed in this country, after all - they are still considered good ones. In fact, the local government can continue to improve. It could be that in the future not only Tanggamus will humbly accept the presence of Social Media and Blogger activists in regional arts and culture festivals and tourism. With the high and diverse potential for arts and culture and tourism in every corner of Lampung Province, of course the Government cannot run alone as a regional event organizer, but also must innovate and improve in packaging and promoting superior potential.

area. Festival Festivals in the regions that are often held and become a calendar of regional annual events, of course, is no longer the time only as an implementation of a ceremonial event, or the important thing is that the budget for activities is carried out, but also must have high values, especially to be useful and have an impact on the surrounding community The festival was held. Because the involvement of the local community with government officials in synergy will strengthen the cultural values ​​of the area.

My gratitude to the entire organizing committee of the 7th Semaka Bay Festival, Bang Elvan - Hanung Bramantio KW SUPER and the committee - the super patient social media companion committee, especially for the Head of DisPoraBudPar Tanggamus - Marhasan Samba whose house is pleased to be a Home Stay and accept The 'noise' from each person, especially me who was super rowdy !!, Orginazer Event - Global Futurindo and my social media account partners who were involved in this event which made the series of events super exciting and colorful.